Show, Don’t Tell

The best teachers point the way, they don’t tell you what to find
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The best teachers point the way, they don’t tell you what to find
Continue ReadingAn exploration of the rise of Donald Trump and his ilk, and the opportunity it presents to create a better world, for everyone: I have a spent a great deal of time since the US election in agony.…
Continue ReadingA healthy balance between surrender/letting go and the structure of discipline allows us to experience flow, being ‘in the zone’
Continue ReadingJeff Foster describes the reality that in the present moment, there are no problems-only a situation that requires our response, or lack of a response. The concept of a ‘problem’ is only a construct of the rational mind…
Continue ReadingWe have an addiction to our problems, an evolutionary “negativity bias” that keeps us from fully embracing life. The antidote to this, as it were, is to cultivate/allow for an “attitude of gratitude” to permeate our entire existence,…
Continue ReadingCoaching offers a way forward, so you can start transforming your life and turn your dreams into reality.